The Militia of the Immaculata (MI) is a worldwide evangelization movement founded by Saint Maximilian Kolbe in 1917 that
encourages total consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary as a means of spiritual renewal for individuals and society. The
MI movement is open to all Catholics. It employs prayer as the main weapon in the spiritual battle with evil. MIs also immerse
themselves in apostolic initiatives throughout society, either individually or in groups, to deepen the knowledge of the Gospel
and our Catholic Faith in themselves and in others. Marian consecration is a formal act of self-giving that does not stop
at Mary, but is Christ-directed. It is really consecration to Jesus. The MI's mission is "To Lead Every Individual With Mary
to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary are a Congregation of religious brothers and sisters dedicated to a two-fold
Crusade: the propagation and defense of Catholic dogma — especially extra ecclesiam nulla salus — and the conversion
of America to the one, true Church. Perpetual Rosary Crusade.

The Knights at the Foot of the Cross (KFC) is an outreach within the MI movement, comprised of Catholics afflicted by
the cross of suffering - physical, spiritual or emotional. KFCs especially offer up their difficulties for the success
of the MI. They thus become a special core group or vanguard within the movement. Though often unable to actively evangelize
because of infirmity, nonetheless KFCs generate untold graces as they link their sufferings with those of Christ. Through
the intercession of Mary, they offer up all to the Father as a "sacrifice of praise."

The Community of Hermits of St. Bruno is an international Roman Catholic community of Sisters and Brothers who
live their lives in the spirit of their Father, St. Bruno--the founder of the Carthusian Order. Rooted in the
Carthusian, desert tradition, each Sister or Brother lives their solitary life in praise of God and His goodness and by their
hidden lives of prayer, penance and solitude make intercession at God's throne for all their brothers and sisters throughout
the world. Was Novice but Order disssolved 30 April 2007.

Perpetual Member in the Rosary Confraternity is a spiritual association of the Catholic Church, the members of which
strive to pray the entire Rosary during the course of each week. They form a union of countless hundreds of thousands of the
faithful throughout the world who, along with their own intentions, include the intentions and needs of all its members, while
they in turn pray for them.

Perpetual Member and Promoter of the Association of the Miraculous Medal we bring Mary
conceived without sin to the Catholics of North America. She reveals God's fatherly love and her own motherly concern. We
invite members to greater holiness, attending to their pastoral and spiritual needs forming them in the Christian life involving
them in the apostolate of charity especially toward the clergy and the most abandoned.

Advocate in Good Standing with The World Apostolate of Fatima is an official Catholic organization, recognized by the
Holy See and was established to spread the message of the Blessed Virgin Mary delivered in Fatima, in 1917 to three little
shepherds, Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta Marto. The World Apostolate of Fatima is made up of many individual members that live
in the various parts of the world and follow the principles of the movement.

The Mission of the Apostolate is to bring as many souls as possible to Total Consecration to Jesus, through Mary, by
fostering the Saint Louis deMontfort Total Consecration devotion worldwide, and by providing free Total Consecration packages
to those willing to consecrate their lives to Jesus, through Mary.

The purpose of the League is prayer for the unity of Church leaders with the Holy Father, Benedict XVI. The prayer
we use is the Divine Mercy Chaplet. All we ask of members is continued generosity in praying for our Holy Church regularly—once
a week or more.

A magnificent assurance of salvation is Our Lady’s Brown Scapular. One of the great mysteries of our time is that
the great majority of Catholics either ignore or have forgotten the Blessed Virgin Mary’s promise that "whoever dies
wearing this (Scapular) shall not suffer eternal fire." She further says: "Wear it devoutly and perseveringly. It is my garment.
To be clothed in it means you are continually thinking of me, and I in turn, am always thinking of you and helping you to
secure eternal life."

Confraternity of Holy Cross: A confraternity founded by Bishop Edward Slattery. Membership includes clergy and lay people
who suffer from chronic illness in the Diocese of Tulsa, OK. Our suffering is offered up daily to Our Lord for the sanctification
and purity of priests all over the world. A Morning Offering is prayed daily for these intentions.

The Spiritual Apostolate of Our Lady of Good Success was formed as a direct result from devotees of Our Lady of Good
Success. Religious and lay people alike desire to be united in prayer under the protective mantle of the Holy Virgin of Quito.
Just as St. Beatrice de Silva, foundress of the Conceptionist order extends her cloak over all of the Conceptionist sisters
past, present and future as a sign of Motherly affection we implore Our Queen and Mother to do likewise when we attach ourselves
to this Apostolate.

Perpetual Member in the Confraternity of the Precious Blood established by the Church as a special way of doing honor
to Jesus who shed His Blood to redeem me. As a way of life, keeping me ever mindful of carrying my cross in union with Jesus
as an act of reparation. And as a way to petition to God in Whose Sight is nothing more precious than His Son's Sacrificed
As Jesus poured out His Blood for all men to the very last drop, so does His Church pour out her spiritual treasures
to the very last drop...endowing all who enroll in the Confraternity of the Precious Blood with The Extraordinary Privilege.

The Association of Mary Queen of All Hearts is a union of Roman Catholics who have made the Total Consecration to Mary
as Outlined by Saint Louis de Montfort.

Perpetual Member of The Holy Mass League was canonically established by the Conventual Franciscan Friars in 1937. Its
purpose is to help serve your spiritual needs and support the ministry of Marytown. We invite you to participate in the Holy
Mass League by enrolling your loved ones and your special needs. Mass will be offered daily for your intentions with a special
remembrance on all Tuesdays, in honor of St. Anthony of Padua.

Heart to Heart is an Apostolic Mission for the Renewel of the Devotion to The Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Confraternity of the Most Holy Name of God and Jesus, now called Holy Name Society, promotes the honor and glory of our
Divine God and the personal sanctification of its members by acts of love and devotion to the most Holy Name of Jesus. The
spirited life of its members is a perpetual act of reverence and love.

The Confraternity of St. Michael is made available to the faithful to enable them to work in a directed way toward their
personal sanctification through traditional divine worship and traditional devotional practices.

Member of The International Fellowship of Saint Bruno and the Saint Bruno Lay Contemplatives.
Formally called The Cartusian Contemplatives. This is an association of individuals who seek to embrace and practice the spirituality
of the Carthusian Order founded by Saint Bruno in 1084.

Ascension Catholic Community Ministry of Intercession is a spiritual ministry in which we offer prayers and intentions
to God for our community and the world.

The Society of Saint Pius X is an international priestly society of common life without vows, whose purpose is the Priesthood
and that which pertains to it. The spirit of the SSPX is essentially apostolic, because such is the Holy Sacrifice of the
Mass, and because the members of the Society will have in general to exercise an exterior ministry. Perpetual Rosary Crusade.
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