The National WWII Museum Honor Roll, 2020
Doctor of Divinity 2006
United States Martial Arts Hall of Fame, 2000, 2001
Who's Who of Southeast Professionals, 1995
NASA Astronaut Mission Specialst Candidate 1993
IEEE Congressional Fellow Candidate 1992
White House Fellows Candidate, 1990, 1991, 1993
Operation Desert Storm Particpant Persian Gulf 1991
Who's Who in North America, 1991
Nuclear Mound Fellow, 1990
Who's Who of Young Professionals, 1989
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Aerospace Award, 1985
New Technology Officer, Kennedy Space Center 1985 - 1989
Computer Research Scholar, 1978
Excellence in Physics, 1978
First Place US Army Junior Rifle Championship Small Bore 1976
First Place NRA National Smallbore Rifle Metric 3-Pos Championships 1976
First Place NRA Rifle Safety Class Championship Small Bore 1975
Certificate of Award in The World of Construction, 1974
Bronze Medal For Alpine Skiing 1973
Citizenship Award, 1973
Excellence in Communications Award, 1973
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