Holy Card with cloth touched to the relics of Blessed RR MM Maria Sagrario of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga |

Seal of Postulator Sealing Relic |
Blessed Maria Sagrario of St. Aloysius Gonzaga
was born in Lillo (Toledo), Spain, January 8,1881, to Ricardo Moragas and Isabel Cantarero, the third of four children.
Following in her father's footsteps, she became a student of pharmacy, excelling in this field, and became one of
the first women in Spain to become a pharmacist. Although she had excellent prospects in pharmacy, and much ability,
she eventually discerned a call to the religious life, and after some necessary delay to aid her family she was admitted as
a postulant to the Carmel of Saint Anne and Saint Joseph in Madrid, in 1915. She was solemnly professed on the Feast of the
Epiphany, January 6th, 1920.
She became prioress of her community in 1927, and novice-mistress in 1930. She frequently
told her novices of her desire to be a martyr. Just before the outbreak of the Spanish Civil war, with its corresponding wave
of virulent religious persecutions, she was elected prioress for the second time on 1 July 1936.
On July 20th of that same year, the convent was attacked by a mob.
Mother Maria Sagraria spirited her sisters to safety and sought shelter with one of them at the home of that sister's
parents. She was arrested, along with the other sister, on August 14th. Surviving testimony well documents her
serenity and abandonment to God's will. Under interrogation she staunchly refused to betray anyone, and was executed
by being shot on the following day, August 15th, the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
In her beatification ceremony in Rome, Pope John Paul II said of her:
“Mother Marķa Sagrario, a pharmacist in her youth and a Christian example for those who practice that noble profession,
gave up everything to live for God alone in Christ Jesus (cf. Romans 6:11) in the Discalced Carmelite Monastery of St Anne
and St Joseph in Madrid. There her commitment to the Lord matured, and she learned from him to serve and to sacrifice herself
for her brothers and sisters. This how in the turbulent events of July 1936 she found the strength not to betray priests and
friends of the community, facing death with integrity for her state as a Carmelite and to save others.”
Here is an excerpt from her writing: “May Jesus reign always in my heart. The Lord asks me to be humble, to
weep over my sins, to love Him much, to love my sisters much, to mortify them in nothing, not to mortify myself uselessly,
to live recollected in Him wanting nothing for myself, completely surrendered to His divine will. In this vale of tears,
suffering will not be lacking and we should be content to have something to offer to our most beloved Jesus Who wanted
so much to suffer for love of us. The most direct way to unite ourselves to God is that of the cross, so we should
always desire it. May the Lord not permit that I be separated from His divine will.
Blessed be God Who gives us these ways of offering ourselves up to His love! The day will arrive when we will rejoice
for having suffered in this way. Meanwhile, let us be generous, suffering everything, if not with happiness, at least
in close conformity to the divine will of Him Who suffered so much out of love for us. However great are our sufferings they
come nowhere near His. If you wish to be perfect seek first of all to be quite humble in thought, word, deed and desire,
learn well what this means and work tenaciously to carry it out. Keep your gaze always on our most beloved Jesus,
asking Him in the depths of His heart what He desires for you, and never deny Him anything even if it means going strongly
against the grain for you.
Blessed be He Who arranges everything for our good! In possessing Him, we possess everything.”
Prayer: O God, Who by a spirit of prayer and devotion to the Eucharist prepared Bl. Maria
Sagrario to suffer martyrdom, grant that we, through her example, may freely spend our lives for You by faithfully
and constantly fulfilling Your Will. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the
Holy Spirit one God for ever and ever.
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