Below is part of the Homily that Monsignor Bagnard gave for the Ordination of Father Christophe at the Charterhouse de
Portes. We thank Christian for the rough translation. Only the part of the homily dealing with the ordination was translated.
Monsignor Bagnard's Homily upon the Sacerdotal Ordination of Fr Christophe Chartreuse de Portes - Tuesday September
14. 2004
[...] The eucharistic liturgy preserves its power of fecundity even when the priest is alone to celebrate
it. It is the supremely effective mystery of the Eucharist which is the raison d'être of ordination. You expressed it,
Frère Christophe, in your letter of request for ordination: "the priest reaches the top of his ministry when he pronounces
the same words that Jesus pronounced at the Last Supper : "This is my Body... This is the cup of my Blood... ", words
which he pronounces while being identified sacramentally and mystically with Christ, words that are endowed with the
same effectiveness as those of Jesus. It is Him, actually, the High Priest Eternal who offers at this time his own sacrifice
through the ministry for the priest to associate with it the Church, the sufferings and the efforts of Man. The fruits
of the mystery of the Redemption are thus communicated with abundance by this oblation, while making our lives present
and the world of today there take part in it."
Finally, the way indicated as with no exit makes it possible to
meet the One who says to humanity: "I am the Way - I am the Door - No one goes to the Father except through me."
words of Jesus take an incomparable density in the life of the Carthusian monk, and more still the day when he becomes
priest, since, by his silent ministry, he introduces all humanity by this Door which is the Sacrifice of Christ.
This way, the existence of the Carthusian priest reminds all the other priests engaged directly in the service
of the Christian communities that the offering of oneself is included in the presidency of the Eucharist. Each priest
is itself "host" in the very act when he presides for the service of the community. And this is why it is led to revive
in its own person the mystery of the slain Lamb which gives its life in the gift of itself to men and in the filiality
open to the being of the Father.
This way to become priest evacuates any risk of "officialism" because the call
to a dedication of all his being is a part of ordination, and one of its essential components. On this point, I do not
feel the need to express differently what you wrote:
"If the Carthusian priest does not have an external ministry,
it is to enter more deeply into the heart of this mystery. He must endorse in a special way the universality of the
sacrifice of Jesus. The complete offering of the Carthusian monk, by perpetual consecration to Christ, allows a greater
interiorization and a deeper intimate union to Christ, Priest and Victim, who assumes it in his. The life of contemplation
and oration of the Carthusian monk, acquires a renewed ecclesial value from it. It must be an overflow of the overflowing
charity of Jesus, drawn from the identification of the priest to Christ offering himself by love for us. This divine
life will flood out in the Mystical Body of Christ, like blood in the arteries of the body. The priest Carthusian monk
has the sublime and frightening mission, and the responsibility to contribute to divinise the souls, in the secrecy
of the Face of God, by the power and the fervor of his interior life. This mission is all the more urgent as the world
bricks up a steel wall between the earth and Heaven, and entangles itself in terrestrial realities. Thus, our separation
from the world, in solitude and silence, far from being a contempt of the world, is a call with a more total dedication
to God alone, to let itself be invaded by the Spirit of love and light, for a greater spiritual fruitfulness, for
the benefit of the whole Church and humanity."
Finally, the Carthusian father, in the daily celebration of the
Eucharist, can endorse fully and particularly put to work these words which the Council Vatican II addresses to all
the priests: "the spiritual gift that the priests received with ordination prepares them not with a limited and restricted
mission, but with a mission of universal salvation, "till the confines of the world.""
This "mission of universal
salvation", related to ordination, could let escape the new Carthusian priest in a kind of mystical dream, far from daily
realities. This is why, by finishing your letter, you take care, Christophe brother, of rooting this mission in your community
of Portes, with the Fathers and the Brothers quite alive who make it up. I let to you say it to us:
"This ministry
is expressed and concretized above all in the community in which the priest Carthusian monk lives. The intimacy with the
Lord is an invitation with an interior transformation, to reproduce in the heart of the priest, in my heart, the very
face of Christ. I must let It radiate in me while applying myself to the service of my brothers and community, reflect
the image of the Good Shepherd who gives his life for his ewes, to express his infinite mercy and his kindness. All my
life must conform to the mystery of the cross of the Lord to be a true witness of the Redemption. Only the power of
the Holy Spirit, which will consecrate me and will confer to me the sacerdotal grace, can achieve such an oeuvre,
which is that of Christ Himself. I beseech Him, thanks to your prayers, and with the intercession of the Virgin Mary and
all the saints, to let me be "as an added humanity in which it renews all His mystery". "[...]
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