Easter Message from the Prior of Parkminister. Easter Sunday 1993.
God's Life In Our Mortal Veins
For some reason my mind keeps coming back to the Eucharist these days.
It is after all, the sacrament of the Paschal Mystery, its symbolic representation. Through this simple rite,
Jesus tried top make his disciples grasp the meaning of what was to happen It is so simple and so profound. Jesus knows
he is about to die. He gathers His disciples about him, and eats with them, Judas included, remember; his presence is
essential: Jesus will give His life for him perhaps in a special way. Christ's lonely journey into the ultimate stripping
of death concerns them all, even to their weakness and their sin.
He will not leave them, he will be with them as a leaven of healing and spirit-life. Let us listen to the terse
narrative in the second Eucharistic Prayer:
Before he was given up to death, a death he freely accepted, he took
bread and gave you thanks. He broke the bread, gave it to his disciples, and said: "Take this, all of you, and eat it:
this is my body which will be given up for you."
When supper was ended, he took the cup. Again he gave you thanks
and praise, gave the cup to his disciples, and said: "Take this, all of you, and drink from it: this is the cup of my
blood, the blood of the new and everlasting covenant. It will be shed for you and for all men so that sins may be forgiven.
Do this in memory of me."
This is the meaning of my sacrifice, Jesus is saying, and this is the way you must follow
if you are to love as I have loved, if you wish to enter into the life of the resurrection. Let us look at things very simply
form this angle today, enumerating some of the qualities of life and love of which Christ gives us here the example. What
are they?
Liberty; with conscious freedom to give our life, the heart's choice beyond all exterior or interior constraint.
Total gift: not this or that, but our life itself, all we have, be it a widow's mite.
Grateful acceptance: of our humanity and of all creation in a spirit of thanksgiving and of praise. We take the bread
and wine that symbolizes them and we give thanks.
Sharing we break the bread and we give it: the bread of our human lives, our hearts, our thoughts, our time, our dreams,
our disappointments, our pin our faults, our hopes. Take, eat, this is my body.
Solidarity: This is my body given up for you. Christ took His place among us, as it were, beside us. He did not
look down upon us form a position of invulnerable superiority. He accepted us, each and all as we are in truth, and
tied His lot to ours. So doing he could apply the healing gift of the Spirit to our very real wounds from within and restore
us to god's friendship. `This is the cup of my blood, the blood of the new and everlasting covenant. It will be shed for
you and for all, so that sins may be forgiven.' will come again.
In this pardon, form this covenant, the Church
and our community are born. Only in shared pardon and communion with Christ can it continue to exist. In practice, this
is a hard saying: it is not easy to accept a real solidarity with each and every one of my brothers, not only with the
amenable, the gifted and the well-disposed towards me. But also with the less agreeable, the less gifted, and the less well-disposed,
even hostile. Or I accept only those parts of their personalities that I approve of, as if a person could be divided.
is hard not to exclude from our hearts through arrogance and defensiveness or judgement. We religious are far too prone
to sit in judgment on others, even though we know in our hearts that we are no better ourselves. Let us learn of Christ
to judge no one, to exclude no one, to accept as a precious gift each of our brothers and sisters.
This is not
`charity', it is their right in Christ. We must learn to suffer, not only from them, as may sometimes happen, but with
them; to sustain them by our pardon, to carry them in our heart's prayer; to help them carry their own cross, from which
they are the first to suffer, rather than pharisaically
To condemn their weaknesses. Community implies sacrifice,
it is founded in the cup of Christ's blood. Remember this when you drink of this chalice. The General Chapter will be
studying the role of the community in formation. Beyond any exterior things, it lies, or so it seems to me, in this
real solidarity in Christ's love. All the rest will follow.
And it is thus that we will know that we are risen in
Christ, by the Spirit that has been poured out in our hearts, God's Life in our mortal veins. Already we are risen in
Christ: I a hidden way, the eternal realities are present. Sacramentally we see them and in faith we try to live them.
As in Christ's humanity and divinity was truly present in us, here and now to be lived, but under the veil of our humanity,
shining obscurely through, often, in a strange way, through the wounds of our hearts.
We come back full circle to
the image of Christ crucified, but now transfigured. Bearing the crown of His triumph, as the eastern Fathers loved
to portray Him.
I wish you the fullness of joy this day.
Carthusian Reflections
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